Got questions? We’ve got answers – we promise, they won’t put you to sleep!

Personal loans are a solution to achieve your goals, whether it’s that dream holiday, a home renovation, or consolidating debt. If your question isn’t answered here, get in touch with our friendly team.

Getting Started

This depends on your unique situation. We aim to limit loan sizes so that the full amount can be repaid within a reasonable time. Your regular repayment can be set by your budget. As you can imagine, if you have the ability to pay more per week, this means you should be able to borrow more.

Our rates range from 8.95 – 25.95 depending on your credit profile and the security offered.

Yep! Especially for those who have an existing record with Family Finance, we’re happy to help with your next getaway or project!

There is only a $50 fee for our processing of the early closure if you’ve settled the whole account. There are no penalties for extra payments through the course of the loan.

You don’t need security for a personal loan but if you have security your credit profile improves and you should be able to borrow more (or have a lower interest rate)

Security is just something of value that you agree to forfeit if you do not make your promised payments. This could be anything but we’ve found motor vehicles and boats are good security.

Things are not impossible! We need to see payment history and a plan going forward of how you can make repayments. Take a bit of extra time with our loan staff and we would still consider you for an affordable loan.

We need to see bank statements to verify that you are able to afford the repayments being suggested. You can bring physical copies in but another way is via the portal. This is where you would be asked to use your bank login. Your password is NOT kept by anyone in this process, we are just sent a one-off transaction history.

We need to have identification which proves who you are. You can prove this with government-issued photo ID’s like Firearms licences, driver’s licences, or passports.

You can, this is called a Debt Consolidation loan. We would only look to do this if we can improve your situation after the consolidation. We can often do this with a lower interest rate and sometimes with a lower regular payment. 

My Account

You sure can! Just call our team on 0800 28 27 24 or email to advise what you would like to pay. To keep the same loan term a fortnightly payment may need to be roughly double the weekly payment.

Please stay in touch with our collections team. We would not want you to be under undue hardship and there is always something that can be done. If you can gather evidence of your current budget and the change that has happened we will be able to process a hardship application. Please let us know if there is a smaller amount you are still able to pay.

You can, we can refinance the old loan into the new loan.


We would have to re-evaluate your application for a new level of lending. We know things change and hopefully we can help so just talk to the team about your requirements.

Yes! If you have extra money available you can pay it to your account. This will save you interest on every dollar you repaid. Your loan will finish sooner, and the total amount you repay will be less. Everyone wins!

If you have missed a payment this will flag your account as overdue and the collections team will be notified. Please contact us on 0800 28 27 24 or email to keep communication open between us. We are more than happy to establish a plan to clear the arrears. 

Personal Loans

This depends on your situation. We aim to limit loan sizes so that the full amount can be repaid within a reasonable time. Your regular repayment can be set by your budget. As you can imagine, if you can pay more per week, you should be able to borrow more.

Yes, we do, people need funds for all sorts of reasons, and we try to help where we can.

It’s not essential but it helps if you are borrowing a larger amount. If you have an existing car loan, maybe we can combine that and your personal loan together.

We commonly see cars, boats, and motorcycles used as security. If you have something else you think might be suitable, just let us know!

Home & Living

Yes. Tiny homes are a tricky thing in the finance world, but we have found a way. 

Yes, you can borrow for a renovation – you will…

We often can help a short-term home loan so you can purchase your new home before you’ve sold your existing one. Ask us how!

Business Loans

Yes, interest is an expense for your business and can reduce the tax your business has to pay.

Yep! This is a great way to get the regular repayments down. For example, if you buy a new vehicle you can claim the whole GST amount at the time of purchase. Then when this comes back as a GST refund we can apply it to your loan. Because our interest is calculated daily, every day after this you will have cheaper interest. 

We don’t need a specific auditor for most business applicants. We would prefer to meet you face-to-face and understand you and your business without having our nose in the books. We’re in your community, drop in and see us!

We can! Our terms may vary slightly if you have no history but we still want to be able to support all of our customers.

Yep! Buying a business as a going concern can be a great way to jump-start your career or existing business. Sometimes the business being acquired will have forward work and be able to pay for the loan to buy itself! We would be happy to look at this decision with you and see how Family Finance can help.

Vehicle Packages

Anyone’s car can be security for your loan but the vehicle owner (e.g. your mother) would have to give consent for us to repossess the car if you fail to pay. This would mean she would be a guarantor for the debt.

We would love to have you find your next ride through the Far North, and in particular our sister company Archibald Motors. However, if you’ve got your heart set on something else we’d still be happy to help with finance/insurance where we can.

These are very important things to keep on top of! We will always try to help you keep your car legal and safe. Talk to our friendly loan officers about what you and your car require.

If your car is security for a loan, there will be a registration against it on the Personal Property Security Register (PPSR). The lender can remove this, but you may have to pay the money you receive for the vehicle. As with everything – it can be dealt with if you talk to us.

The money you need is right at your fingertips.
Let’s get the ball rolling!